It has been way to long since my last post. Many things have happened in this time. I have made several trips in the RV with my parents, gotten an adopted sister, had a major fight with my new sister that sent her back to her could home, was a tending hospice nurse for my granny, went to her funeral. Those were just a few that I need to elaborate on as I go forward.

Not exactly sure why my sister and I got so serious when we fought, normally we got along just fine, there was just something that triggered bad things in her and she took it out on me.

I ended up in the hospital, and when I got home Katie had been taken back to her owners. I understand that she has a new home next door to he old owners and she stays there but visits her owners every once and a while.

This is my Granny, she was a great friend to me. I always looked forward to going to her house as it had a nice fenced back yard I could run in.

Oh Charlotte! I’m so sorry life has been really ruff lately. My sincere condolences about your grammy, she looks like she was such a nice lady. I love the way you were there for her as her nurse. No doubt she was comforted by your pawsitivity and love.
That’s so sad about your sissy. I’m sorry things got out of control. Your pack must be feeling really weird right now. I hope you get out to do some more RV trips to help ease the stress.
Thanks for checking in sweetie.